Herzele belongs to us all

English version of the Leef! folder – September 2024

Making Herzele more green

Herzele has announced countless climate measures in recent years: tree planting, nature conservation, depaving. In practice, however, very little has come of all this. The new nature reserve in the Doormansvallei was never heard of again, the decision on the expansion of the Duivenbos turned out negative and ever more concrete has been poured. Things could be different – and not just because we love nature: if we want to protect ourselves against heatwaves and floods, we will have to green up. LEEF! wants depaving measures, the planting of green verges, hedges and trees, erosion control and the establishment of green areas with water in every part of Herzele. We want to work with local farmers for this: our goal is cooperation, not conflict.

Safe traffic

LEEF! wants to increase safety for cyclists and pedestrians. Herzele does not have enough cycle paths and our footpaths are in very poor condition. A catch-up operation is urgently needed and we want to renew our cycle paths and footpaths. Road safety in our village centres can only improve through the general implementation of 30kph zones combined with appropriate infrastructure measures. Traffic in the town centre is a mess. Parents no longer let their children go to school alone and drop them off by car, which only makes the problem worse. We have a plan to redesign the centre with traffic-free streets, more safe crossings and a centre car park behind the town hall with an entrance on Peperstraat. The existing route of the N42 can and should be improved, but without large-scale expropriations. This should be accompanied by new cycle routes along smaller roads as part of an overall plan.

Enough apartment blocks

Is LEEF! against all apartment blocks? Certainly not – and it definitely has nothing against the people who live in them. In recent years Herzele has been at the mercy of real estate agents who come here to make a profit because anything seems to go here, however. We have supported residents in taking a stand against high-rise buildings in different parts of Herzele. Herzele must quickly draw up a Spatial Implementation Plan (RUP) that outlines what can be built and where. We also want to see additional affordable and social housing. If Herzele is to belong to everyone, then cronyism and favouritism must end. During the last policy period we encountered some very strange things: an alderman also acting as architect for high-rise projects, planning approval procedures being waived for projects where they are normally required by law, councillors providing paid services to the municipality, etc. If Herzele belongs to everyone, then everyone must be subject to the same rules.

Quality of life

LEEF! wants a better and more pleasant life for everyone – first and foremost for those in difficult circumstances. Herzele needs to invest in people rather than in buildings. We do not only want to see affordable care homes, but also the elimination of waiting lists at all levels (for housing, nursing homes, care, facilities for people with disabilities, etc.). The Youth Club should be made more visible and receive better support. Herzele has great potential, but this is not always immediately obvious and our residents receive little encouragement to develop it together. The municipal government prefers to put itself in the limelight. Better quality of life also means better security for all. We do not have massive urban problems here in Herzele. However, LEEF! would like to see the return of a permanent police presence in the town centre. 

Herzele belongs to everyone

Young or old, female or male, black or white – and all shades in between: we believe everyone is welcome and everyone should enjoy the same rights and opportunities. We have to build our community together and that means without exclusion or discrimination. All newcomers should be able to play an active part in the life of our community. Attractive language courses should be supported or organised again. We need greater public participation, so we will give village councils the means to organise it – with everyone.

More space for culture and sports

Herzele must get active – in body and mind. There is a wealth of culture on offer, but it could benefit even further if it were to leave the beaten track more often and stimulate the creativity of our residents. Murals, concerts and books are great, but we sometimes forget what we have to offer ourselves. LEEF! supports a more open outlook that will enable all organisers to get involved. Our municipality also has a lot to offer in sports, but we do not communicate this enough. We are in favour of a physically accessible sports service for all. The municipality should keep sports clubs’ membership fees affordable. Herzele should consult with other municipalities to allow people to swim at a democratic price. Herzele would soon go bankrupt if, as some argue, priority were to be given to building new infrastructure or a local swimming pool. The municipality should work towards opening the castle parks to the public.  

A dynamic town

Herzele has stopped moving forwards in recent years. And standing still means going backwards. LEEF! wants every village centre to have a shop. People who take the initiative in this should receive support, including financial assistance, for providing services to the community (post office, simple municipal documents, etc.). Our municipality should order as much as possible from its own local traders and producers instead of relying on large procurement centres. LEEF! is in favour of a supermarket freeze. We already have enough of those, and they draw business away from the centre to the Provinciebaan and compete with small traders. LEEF! Has supported residents’ committees in their opposition to a Jumbo and the expansion of the LIDL branch. The municipality should support farmers who rotate their crops or make their own products, and a food plan should finally be drawn up for Herzele. We want to see the Tourist Office back in the Schepenhuis, with increased opening hours. De Burcht should be made more attractive and more accessible. An atrractive centre does not have to be expensive and starts with a good offer for local people and visitors.

The coffers are empty

Herzele is burdened with heavy debts of €1.580 per inhabitant. This leaves practically no money for things like much-needed repairs to delapidated roads and paths. For years, money has been put into prestige projects. Any election programme now promising new infrastructure will come up against these financial limits. LEEF! wants to reassess projects like the renovation of the Schepenhuis and the refurbishment of the old care home on the basis of the financial possibilities. When it comes to new investments, priority should be given to projects that generate earnings: for example, setting up an energy cooperative, installing insulation, developing tourism, etc.


LEEF! is the only list in Herzele that campaigns without subsidies or party funding. We are all volunteers. We pay for and distribute our posters and pamphlets ourselves. You can support us by making a contribution to account number BE73001245592760. 

Do you support our programme? Then hang our leaflet in your window! And make sure you vote. Staying at home changes nothing.

Financiële steun

Holestraat 66
9550 Herzele
BE73 0012 4559 2760

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